
Showing posts from November, 2018

Week 10: Keep learning & Connect

Your final challenge is to cook a meal you haven't made before and feed your family or friends. Like  with your board game challenge,  no one should have their phones out  while eating your meal . Share with them how you've found the wellbeing project and what you would like to do to  moving forwards. Have a look at this article if you want to read more about some of the links between cooking and wellbeing. Here are a few awesome websites with a variety of recipes: BBC good food Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals Delish 52 Easy Cheap recipes At the end of the challenge share in the comment section below a photo of your meal and a link to the recipe if it's online.  I'd really appreciate some feedback on how you found this MOOC. Which challenges did you find the most/ least helpful, which will you try to do again, have you got any suggestions for alternative challenges? If you could email me your feedback at or add it in the

Week 9: Be active

This weeks challenge is to get active.  To maintain a basic level of health young people aged 5 to 18 need to do: at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day – this should range from   moderate activity , such as cycling and playground activities, to  vigorous activity , such as running and tennis on three days a week, these activities should involve  exercises for strong muscles , such as push-ups, and  exercises for strong bones , such as jumping and running Read more  here . This week you need to keep a get active diary, writing down how much exercise you do on each day. If you haven't done enough try something new. There are tonnes of workouts on youtube, from yoga to Hiit training. Or free fitness apps like 7minuteworkout, which helps to build muscle and core strength. At the end the week share your diary in the comments below along with any inspirational sweaty workout photos. If you're up for sharing your success, print your efforts and add them to th